Sunday, August 28, 2011

After an Artful Gathering Workshop with Nancy Maxwell, this is my version of
Petite Box & Book.
It's called "Recuerdos" spanish for "Memories". 
A gift for my mother.  Recuerdos of her youth, my dad, sister and myself.
A piece of my Vintage Me Happy Heart I hope she will love.
I love you Mamita del Alma.

Book cover made of canvas board with Webster's Pages Ladies & Gent's
a vintage flower with mom's picture in it, silver plated buttons, seamed binding holding
the pages together and lace ribbons around the covers of each page.


Carol Salisbury said...

Very nice gift for your mother! It's beautiful!

Where Colors Take Me said...

Hello, Thank you so much. She loved it. have a great evening.