Saturday, October 8, 2011

BZ Originals for Me...

This is a beautiful custom design Barb made for me.  I bought the earrings and wanted a necklace and bracelet to match.  Well, I must say when Barb showed me what she created for me I was Wowed!  It surpassed my expectations.  I knew she would create something beautiful, but this piece says it all.  Barb, God bless you and your hands.  May you continue to create beautiful pieces for all those ladies out there who want their inner beauty to be highlighted by the jewelry you make. 

Sometimes a girl has to shower herself with a few of her favorite things.  Among the many things I love that are vintage I love jewelry.  Like most of my personal things, they usually speak to me.  These are some of my recent handmade jewelry collection which I purchased from a dear friend in Colorado.  Her name is Barbara Zinkhan.  Barbara's website button is located on the left side of my blog.  "BZ Originals"  Go, check it out.... You won't be disappointed.   Thank you Barb!!!!!

This piece is so beautiful and charming in person.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  The best part is... that it's one of a kind.  It's heavy and just beautiful when I put it on. The earrings are just the right size.  I do feel richly vintage.

This little beauty is a book mark that Barbara made.  Isn't it lovely?  The blue colors are exquisite.  My very own personal book mark.  Well, Vintage Me Happy!!!!

Look how lovely it hangs from my book.  I tell you, it's the simple things that make me happy.  No more post-it between the pages. LOL.


Yiyi said...

María that is so super cool. Beautiful...oh waw..she is so talented. Estan bellos todos.

Where Colors Take Me said...

Gracias preciosa... They are really beautiful in person. xoxoxo